The Male/Female Balance: 8 Things to do to get along better with almost anyone
(Audiobook and Ebook) Updated Third Edition 2019 This is my original astrologically-based compatibility system. You don't have to believe in, understand or study astrology to use it. There are 14 factors in the natal chart which create 30 personality types; 15 for men and 15 for women. Learn how any two people can have a successful relationship.
- Discover whether you are a Pleasure, Power or Centered Person
- How to be a great lover, family member, co-worker or friend
- What you should know about living together
- Why marriage matters more than you think
- What you don't know about affairs
- Moving beyond a breakup, separation or divorce
- How to live True Love and much more...
Here's what one person has to say: What fascinating and helpful material here! I love the convenience of the Male/Female Balance book on CD, and the Ebook is great for looking up references I learned in the listening. The Ebook and CDs are a great team for my eyes and ears! I refer to Gaye's material often and remind myself of my own particular balance so I won't be tempted to live someone else's, to my detriment. Thanks, Gaye, for guiding me back to my best self. I heartily recommend investing in the uncommon wisdom of Gaye Nelson.Gina Vance, Mind Body Interactive Skills CoachP.S. It's worth it to have Gaye determine your exact balance as some of us are so good at living other's or the "Flipside" of our personal Male/Female Balance that we may not be putting ourselves in the right category!